Translations for you non-English speakers

Saturday, September 8, 2012

More of day 7: The Las Vegas Nightlife!

Alright! After the last post about daytime Las Vegas, now it's time to see the real face of this place during nighttime!

The whole strip is lit up with a lot of lights, every casino trying to attract more people than the rest. Also a lot more people are out now than during daytime. I would say that night makes the town alive, but a lot of shops still close at semi-regular hours so while the casino's (and the dozens and dozens of annoying card-slapping strip club/whore/escort services hawkers which really get on your nerves) are active, the rest of the town feels somewhat more dead/normal during the nighttime.

Of course we had to place a few bets... Christophe played slots and did win some, but lost out a bit in the end. I did some slots with him, though I have HORRENDOUS bad luck with those.. After a while I wanted to bet a little bit more as well so I went to play some blackjack.. As expected it went pretty good at first and I played for quite some time (all the while with Christophe watching the skimpy dancing happening on stage behind the blackjack tables) but didn't get any major winnings in the end so just played it out for fun.

Oh, George, you don't know what you're missing.. You would have loved it here ;-)

Anyway, we had a few drinks at the various casino's again, and Christophe took some pictures of nighttime Las Vegas (unfortunately my camera seemed to be acting up and kept giving very blurry pictures, even on Night Portrait and Night Landscape, so no pictures from me this time).

All in all, it was a good, busy, fun, long day. Tomorrow after sleeping in we'll visit the Welcome to Las Vegas sign; sneak in a visit to the famous Gold and Silver Pawn Shop from the show Pawn Stars on the History Channel (and recently on 2BE), tour the strip some more and catch a show in the evening. Did I mention yet we have VIP tickets for the show?

Anyway, time for some sleep in a little while. Another busy day ahead tomorrow.

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