Translations for you non-English speakers

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 8: The last of Las Vegas

Our second night in Las Vegas!

After heading back out onto the strip (even though it was still way too hot, the main reason why Vegas doesn't come to life until nighttime, it's the heat) we looked around some various shops, acting all tourist-y and Christophe got himself a nice t-shirt, zippo lighter and some postcards. This place is good for him to kick his smoking habit though! He had to pay 21 dollar for just 2 small packs of cigarettes and he didn't even really like them :-p If that's not a good incentive to stop smoking, I don't know what is.

Anyway, after visiting a few more casinos and having a few drinks it became dark and the city got crowded again. Working our way through the crowd we made it to the place where our show took place. After getting assigned our VIP seats we had some complimentary drinks and waited to get guided/ushered to our assigned seats; which gave us a great view of the stage!

The show we went to visit wasn't a crazy expensive Cirque de Soleil one but rather one that was so funny I was a bit hoarse from laughing at the end of it and thankfully Christophe enjoyed himself thoroughly as well once all apprehensions were cleared. The show we saw was Marc Savard's Comedy Hypnosis and it was really great. I almost doubted to volunteer as well (since he didn't turn anyone down) but afterwards I was VERY glad that I didn't, after seeing what those people went through... Still though, for us it was incredibly funny to watch and the crowd was laughing all the time. Very much a show to greatly enjoy and have a good time with.

Another late night now and early morning coming up since tomorrow will be a lot of driving.. 7-8 hours of driving through Death Valley with a stop (fairly quickly after 2 hours of driving) to visit Death Valley National Park. This is going to be a tough one, especially since I won't sleep much tonight. I don't sleep much any night here anyway so it doesn't make much difference, just makes it more difficult.

Also, for Thomas: I'm sorry, I tried to find you some Vegas whiskey. It was called Sin City Whiskey, but it's proving very elusive to actually find for buying. I can find the Sin City Beer easily enough, and some bars serve the whiskey, but a place that sells the bottle is hard to find and most bartenders don't know where it comes from either, for some reason. Though apparently it's not that great (one of the Sin City store sellers compared it to motor oil) so I'll just skip out on this for you.

See you all from Three Rivers next, we'll be leaving Las Vegas behind for now.


  1. Have fun in Death Valley, nice knowing y'all:-)

    When you see signs that tell you to turn off your A/C before a big hill you know you are not in a nice spot to run into trouble.

    Luckily with it being so damn hot you guys will get the full Death Valley experience, I'm not sure that will be much solace to you 2 as you feel your young lives draining from you. Have Fun!

  2. It sure was an.. experience.. I'll make a blog update now.

  3. Can't wait to hear more details of the show. From his website, it must have been hilarious. Yeah, I've had Sin City Whiskey before and "motor oil" is pretty accurate. I've never seen it in liquor stores either.
