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Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 10: Yosemite National Park

On today's menu was.. Yosemite National Park. Definitely the most beautiful of the National Parks we visited.. Sadly, we didn't have enough time to really see a lot, since this place is just HUGE. It's as big as Rhode Island, it's the size of an entire state. To do a lot here you really need more than one day, especially since it has hikes that can take up to 6 to 8 hours even for experienced hikers.
Not to mention climbing up the sheer cliff face of El Capitan. A rock climbers dream. It took a little while to drive to the entrace, then another hour to get to the central Visitor Center.

Since we didn't have too much time because I still had another 2,5-3 hour drive ahead of me to Modesto, we couldn't drive to every important point so we took the Valley Floor tour which passed the more important sightseeing points and managed to get a few good pictures.

I don't really know what to say about today, since nothing special really happened other than our visit through Yosemite. But enjoy some of the pictures :-) I wish I could post more shots, but as I'm always driving I unfortunately can't pay too much attention to the scenery and take no pictures of it. Once Christophe makes all of his pictures available I can see what I'm missing every day :-p

Oh, to give you a scope of what we've been through so far, up to today I've driven pretty close to 3000km already in less than 2 weeks and still more is to come..

But enough, enjoy today's pictures :-)

It's really hard to see, but you can some rock climbers making it up the wall, next to the shadow of what looks like a champagne glass or golf tee. I personally couldn't really make them out but there is a small dot that's them.

Bridal Veil Falls. It's hard to see, but down that black-ish patch is a small waterfall.

Bridal Veil Falls from another location. If you look closely you can see a rainbow forming. Blue on the bottom going up into green and further until it's red about halfway the waterfall. We were just at the right time to see this, though sadly there wasn't much waterfall so this was one of the better shots I was able to take.

Tomorrow, on to San Francisco!

1 comment:

  1. LOL... the picture where you're sitting on the wall with all the rock formations behind you... I SAT AT THAT VERY SPOT!!
