Translations for you non-English speakers

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Ok, finally time for another post :-)

So, yesterday after we took a dive in the pool in Palm Springs we went to the Air Museum, which was nice to visit, with some old vets working there as volunteers. Played around some with a Flight Simulator X on a good pc with 5 monitors and joysticks.

After that we drove on to Laughlin for 3,5 hours. For me, that was one hell of a boring road. We went for miles and miles without seeing any traffic or signs of life on the National Trails Highway (part of Route 66 apparently, since after a while that was all over the road every mile). I have just one thing to say about roads like that.. Thank god for cruise control! There was almost nothing to see but desert and the road ahead. Some nice mountain views in the distance and a blistering wind and at one point even some salt pans.

When we got to Laughlin it wasn't hard to find the hotel.. Since every hotel there is just a giant casino.. The hotel room wasn't great, I'd say the least so far (whereas the Radisson in Flagstaff right now is just amazing..). No free WiFi either and the WiFi in Starbucks was so lousy it took more than 10 minutes just to load Google, even though there weren't many people there and we had a strong signal. So no post update last night.

We left Laughlin early morning and just arrived at Flagstaff after about 3 hours ride or so and the weather here feels a bit more normal. Regular temperature, no heat that'll knock you down so it's a nice feeling after driving out the desert into the greens of Arizona.

Just relaxing a bit now at the hotel room and checking what all we can do today before we head out to the Grand Canyon National Park tomorrow on the way to Page.

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