Translations for you non-English speakers

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 1: Arrival in L.A. !

Alright folks, here's our first update!

So, after what felt like a very long flight (without losing our bags!) we arrived at the car rental place. Man, what a place... So disorganized, people lining up outside on the street even, very long waiting times and when we finally got a car (a nice, big Dodge SUV!!) of course the oil indicator lights up and there's something wrong with the car.. Luckily we hadn't left yet, and we went to the preferred service to change cars.. So we ended up with a Kia Sportiva 4 wheel drive.

Or so we thought! As we were putting our bags in the trunk another person was assigned the same car apparently.. But they got a different one instead of us this time so we left off with the Kia. It may not be a good American car, but it drives real nice and the automatic was real easy to pick up on :) I don't want to go back to my old car..

So after some driving around L.A. we arrived at our hotel, went to check-in and apparently they didn't find our reservation! What a day! So eventually we got a new room, the parking was waived and we finally settled in, went out for some taco's late at night.. Pondering a late night swim or dip in the jacuzzi now but feeling too tired. Maybe tomorrow.

Too lazy to upload pictures today as well.. Maybe tomorrow :)


  1. How was your first trans-atlantic flight? How was the experience of going through the immigration and customs stuff?

  2. It was long :-p But some good in-flight movies at least.. Men in Black 3, Snow White and the Huntsman, Brave and some others I didn't know. Customs and immigration was easy, nice girl, had a nice chat and laugh with her, it was all good :-)
