Translations for you non-English speakers

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 2: Palm Springs!

A day to enjoy the beautiful, sunny Palm Springs! And boy is it hot here! A lot of humidity too so even for this area it feels hotter than usual, coming in at 40 Celsius at noon right now. It didn't drop below 30 Celsius all throughout the night, though unfortunately the pool was closed during the night so no midnight refreshing swim :-(

After sleeping through most of the midnight we headed out to The Living Desert (Zoo and Botanical Garden).
Gruelling hot to walk the whole thing in the blistering sun, but it was nice :-) The heat can get so bad here they warn you at the start to make sure you have enough water and there are drinking fountains spread through the place (most of which by now give water that's closer to boiling than being cool and refreshing). The mountain lion didn't show herself but we were able to get some pictures of the jaguar, cheetah, mexican wolves frollicking around, the cutest fennec foxes you'll ever see and lots more.

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy:

After our visit to The Living Desert in Palm Desert we went back to Palm Springs, stopped by the local Seven Eleven and got some burrito's to eat. Back at the hotel now, we're going to take a jump in the pool soon to cool off a bit before heading out to the Air Museum in Palm Springs and then we're heading to Laughlin. So more updates tonight when we arrive in Laughlin!

Oh, before I forget. Here's our view from our hotel at Palm Springs and also a few shots from our car.

Hope you're all enjoying our trip so far :-) I know we are!


  1. I loved Palm Springs. Visited there a time or two. Greg's uncle has a residence there as well as several others :p

  2. When we went to that park, it was raining. The 1st rain in years, all the animals took shelter and we got en even warmer feeling then before! Turns out, the rain never hit the ground, it vaporised faster.
