Translations for you non-English speakers

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 14: L.A. Re-visited

After a fairly early start from Santa Maria we drove close to about 3 hours towards L.A.
Along the way we drove partially along the Pacific Coast Highway and let me tell you, that's a sight to behold and drive along.. Absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately I couldn't really look a lot or take any pictures as the driver but Christhope snapped a few shots.

After coming close to L.A. traffic hit and we were confronted by a busy L.A. Sadly the GPS didn't quite steer us the right way so we made a little trip around LAX airport before it finally got on the right track again.

After checking into our first hotel again we rested up a bit before heading over to the nearest IMAX theater. In the close neighbourhood I only found two IMAX films available, The Dark Knight Rises and Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. Chris really didn't like Indy and I wasn't into the whole new Batman movies ******** so it was a tough choice and we just decided to go for the closest theater so I didn't have to drive too far and it became Batman in the end.

Now, after the coming of digital film I didn't really find anything special about IMAX anymore. Sure, the screen is 3 times bigger and the picture is probably clearer. And yes the sound was deafening enough to give me a splitting headache at the end. But did it really add that much extra value to the movie? Not really.. True, it was an experience, but I didn't really find anything too special about it. I can just as easily enjoy the regular movie at the regular price.

Just one thing America, salted popcorn is not as good as sugared popcorn :-p

Just 2 days left now.. Tomorrow we're heading to San Diego, finally my last long drive. We'll be visiting Sea World first on Saturday and we'll see what else.

I'll let you know tomorrow!


  1. You missed seeing Indy at IMAX! Argg that's some rare shit you passed up, then again u guys are probably a little young for that.

    Face melting of nazi's, how could you guys miss that...:-)

  2. Be sure to sit up real close so you can get a good look at Shamu! Don't believe anything when they tell you that you will get wet. It's all a lie :p

  3. Eric: I would have preferred the Indy movie, I saw them all long ago, multiple times.. But sadly, it was not to be.

    Janan: We did sit in the soak zone, but sadly just too far off :(
