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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 8: More of Las Vegas

Another day of Las Vegas. And damn is it hot... A scorching 39-40 degrees Celsius, it's unbearable to walk down the strip right now. After an hour or so you just start sweating and it feels too hot. This is desert heat alright.

Anyway, after sleeping in from our late night escapades we took off to find yesterday's elusive "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas"' sign. It was quite a bit further than we expected so it's a good thing we decided not to try and find it on foot since it was still 2 miles past the last casino on the South End.

Anyway, here we both are, with another icon of Las Vegas :-)

After our short visit to the sign we looked around the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop from History Channel fame. After a bit of driving around we found it, but unfortunately people were lining up until past around the corner outside and we didn't want to wait that long in this unforgiving heat so we might try again later, after peak hours.. Though chances are small of catching any of the main members but we'll see.

We're staying out of the heat a bit for now since we've seen most of the strip and casino's already by now.  We'll head back out a bit later for some last souvenir hunting before we go to attend the show.

We'll try not to leave Vegas behind like this once we're done with this town. ;-)

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