Translations for you non-English speakers

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


So.. After enjoying our hotel for a few minutes (beautiful art everywhere, lots of wood carving in the walls, grand ballrooms,.. and our room has a marble TV stand with a 37inch LG flatscreen HDTV and more marble in the bathroom even..) we looked up a few things we could do and decided to head out to Walnut Canyon National Park.

The trails we took around this park.. At times you have to be careful where you walk, especially since we just had rain before we got there and parts of the small pathways were very slick and it was a long drop down with nothing to stop you.

I'm not going to post every shot we made but a few landscape pictures will give you the idea :-)

The first trail was the Island Trail and went around the hill you see in the middle of this picture.

Also, the echo in this place is huge. If you clap, the echo seemingly sounds louder than your original clap. Here's a little clip where you should be able to hear the echo, though we had a lot more fun with it than just this of course :-p


Going to have some dinner at Olive Garden in an hour or so :-)


  1. I think they filmed a lot of old westerns in that area. Beautiful scenery! Funny how you picked Olive Garden. They're running their annual shrimp fest here.

  2. It wasn't us who picked Olive Garden but a friend of mine from IRC we were meeting at Flagstaff :-p

  3. Olive Garden The McDonalds of Italian food:-) Hope you got the taste of Italy platter and crammed a bunch of free breadsticks in your pocket for snacks on the road:-)
