Translations for you non-English speakers

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 16: More of San Diego

Our final day of the trip!

Today we went to see the USS Midway in the morning. It was a nice de-commissioned battleship. Nothing really too bad, it was fun to walk through. Christophe took some nice snapshots.

After that we met up with my friend again, drove over to his place... Damn what a big house they live in.. American standards indeed.. Very nice parents, everyone was trying so hard to be such nice hosts!
After changing into swimming gear we collected a cooler box, a frisbee and some other thing (don't really know the name) to throw around and a couple of boogie boards. We left out the surfboards and kayak. They dropped us off at the beach so we could avoid parking, we had some fun tossing the second thing around to each other in the water for a little while before eating some sandwiches on the beach. After that we took the boogie boards and had a lot of fun with those once we figured out how to use them properly and how to glide along the waves with those.

When that was done they came to pick us up and we drove back to their place, changed back into regular gear and I drove us off to the Oldtown district of San Diego where we strolled around, enjoyed some shops, had some icecream, bought a cutlass, more tourist purchases for Christophe as well, had a few drinks,.. We wanted to go see the forgot-its-name-monument since it had a great view but apparently it was closed at 5 and we were already near 7, so a bit too late.. We skipped out on Balboa Park and just sauntered around Oldtown a bit longer before heading back and eating more than generous leftovers of a wonderful meal made by my friend's parents since they had family/friends over for dinner earlier.

And to close the evening we just finished with some games and watching a bit of tv before driving back to the hotel now, packing our bags and getting ready to leave.

It's about 2:15 in the morning now of the 17th and we'll drop the rental car off around 4:30 and catch our flight a couple of hours after that to finally arrive back home a little bit after 8 in the morning on the 18th.

I'm glad I have the rest of the month off to rest because I feel in need of a good rest. All that driving and constant activity without too much sleep is pretty much a killer after a couple of weeks without any real rest.

Anyway, this is the last post for the vacation itself. I might post something afterwards to compare the hotels we visited as well as the casino's in Las Vegas :-)

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